Heya guys, ive done this skirt before but i was not quite happy with it because it used to clip, but no more clipping!the texture is ea’s skirt from the cool kitchen stuff, that had that dangly longer bit, so i decided to redo it and share it again! It should be Base game Compatible
- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Casual
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Bottoms
- License:
- Please don’t upload them anywhere else and don’t take credit for them.
Basic Skirt
- 18 Colours
- Standalone Item
- Ea’s Mesh edited by me
- Made with Sims4 Studio Photoshop and Blender
- Please feel free to recolour

Women's Basic Skirt 2016-04-01
Short Basic Skirt