It’s so hard to look at WitheredLilies' CC without the wish to do recolors for these fantastic meshes. Well, this time I lost the “Don’t you haven’t enough time for that!” fight. Good to us all because the Boho Dress is so cute! Have fun!
- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Formal
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Outfits
You don't need the mesh, but if you want the original Boho dress by WitheredLilies, you can find it here: Boho Dress
- Basegame compatible
- Mesh is included, but you’ll need Boho Dress (solid), if you want to us the patterned one, too.
- Female only (masculine & feminine), teen - elder (solid) and teen - young adult (pattern)
- Category: Full outfit
- Categories: Everyday, Formal, Party (solid) and Everyday, Party (pattern)
- Comes in 48 swatches (solid) and 44 swatches (pattern)
- Standalone
- Enabled for random

Women's Boho Dress (Solid & Pattern) 1.0
Recolors of WitheredLilies' Boho Dress