- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Casual
- Sleepwear
- Athletic
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Tops
- Additional Requirements:
- Mesh by sims4-marigold NEEDED for my recolors to show up! Find it HERE
I've included 3 versions in this zip! Choose one version for your game!
- The one named tucked.in.boxy.tee.solids only includes the solid colors
- The one named Care.Bears.tshirt only includes the care bears stamps
- The other one named Care.Bears.and.Solids.tshirt is the merged file with both versions
Photo Credits: Hair by butterfly sims / Shorts by puresims / Shoes by bluebellsims / Pose by flowerchamber / Glasses by jennisims / Bear Costume by dani-paradise / Made with sims4studioofficial & Photoshop cs5
- Base Game Compatible / Color Tagged & Custom Thumbnail
- Requires the ORIGINAL MESH
- For Teen to Elder Female / Human & Alien
- Everyday/ Athletic/ Formal/ Party/ Sleep. T-Shirt Category
- Disabled For Random

Women's Care Bears T-shirt / 12 Stamps & 28 Solids 2016-04-22
40 Standalone Recolors Of Marigold's Tucked In Boxy Tee