- Age:
- Child
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Formal
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Outfits
- Additional Requirements:
- For the "Cattie Dress DoD" you'll need mesh by Kiara Zurk
Cattie dress "half" and "half collar" need mesh from the "full solid" of my dress recolor, otherwise they won't show up.
- Basegame compatible (make sure, your game is up to date!)
- Mesh by KiaraZurk is included in the "Cattie dress full", but you will need the original mesh for the "DoD" version!
The half and half collar versions will need mesh from my "full solid" version!
- Girls only
- Category: Full outfit
- Categories: Everyday, Formal, Party
- 4 different versions: full (solid), half, half with collar and DoD
- The DoD version has 52 swatches, all others have at least 60+ swatches
- Standalone
- Enabled for random

Women's Cattie Dress 1.1
Recolors of Kiara Zurk's DoD dress conversion for girls
Recent Updates
- Cattie Dress re-tag update Oct 28, 2016