Credits go to 99SimProblems and WhiteredLilies
- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Tops
- Additional Requirements:
- Requires Mesh from 99SimProblems: Heello Bartender
- Basegame compatible
- Requires mesh by 99SimProblems: Heello Bartender
- Male only, teen - elder
The shirt works for females, too, if you bathfix the mesh file for all genders with Sims4Studio (version Jackpot or higher) ~ see this Howto- Category: Top
- Categories: Everyday, Party
- Comes in 52 swatches
- Standalone
- Enabled for random

Men's Love me (bar)tender 1.0
Recolors of the untucked bartender shirt