It’s getting cold outside and even if we haven’t got a season expansion yet, your sims should stay warm. So put your male sims into these fluffy polar sweaters. Thanks to Nolan-Sims’ polar sweater
- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Clothing Type:
- Tops
- Required Sims 4 Expansion Pack:
- City Living
- Requires “City Living” expansion pack
- Male only, teen - elder
- Category: Top (Pullover)
- Category: Everyday
- 2 versions: solid and patterned
- Swatches: 50 solid, 55 patterned
- Standalone
- Enabled for random

Men's Polar Sweater 1.0
Recolor of EA's sweater