- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Casual
- Sleepwear
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Outfits
- Additional Requirements:
- You must download the original mesh for my recolors to show up in your game!! Find the mesh here
Photo Credits: Hairstyle by darkosims3 / Pose 1 & collage pose by flowerchamber / Pose 2 by simsrocuted / Made with S4 studio & photoshop cs5 / Patterns by colourlovers
- 20 Standalone Swatches: 10 Polka Dots & 10 Striped
- Base Game Compatible
- From teen to elder females / Human & Alien
- Everyday/ Formal/ Party/ Sleep. Short Dress Category
- Disabled for random
- File name: mai.polina.dress.package

Women's Polina Sweater Dress Recolors 2016-04-25
20 Standalone Recolors Of Sentate's Dress