- Department:
- Living Room
- Bedroom
- Textiles & Rugs
- Decoration
- Additional Requirements:
- The headboard is a recolor of saudade-sims' Vienna fabric headboard, which you can download here, and is required.
I made this set a couple years for Simblreen and despite the lack of attention it got, I've always been proud of it.
The headboard is a recolor of @saudade-sims4‘s Vienna fabric headboard.
You need the MESH.
Comes in 10 Maxis Match wood colors.
Wall Hanging
Recolor of a base game mesh.
Comes in 10 Maxis Match wood colors.
Recolor of a base game mesh.
Comes in 10 colors that match the headboard and wall hanging.
Spirit Table
Recolor of a base game mesh.
Comes in the 9 original colors of the table.

Simlish Ouija Board Set 2020-06-21
A few buy objects for your spooky sims.