- Age:
- Teen
- Young Adult
- Adult
- Elder
- Clothing Style:
- Everyday
- Casual
- Party
- Clothing Type:
- Outfits
- Additional Requirements:
- Mesh by sims4-marigold NEEDED for my recolors to show up! Find it HERE
Photo Credits: Poses by flowerchamber / Hair by dani-paradise / Made with sims4studioofficial & Photoshop cs5
- Base game compatible
- Requires the ORIGINAL MESH
- 20 Standalone recolors / Custom thumbnail
- From teen to elder females / human & alien
- Everyday/ Party/ Situation. Short Dresses Category
- Disabled for random
- File’s name:maimouth.vintage.denim.jacket.dress.recolors.package

Women's Vintage Denim Jacket Dress Recolors 2016-03-19
20 Standalone Recolors Of Marigold's Denim Jacket Dress