- Department:
- Kitchen & Appliances
Download adds the following custom furniture to the game.
Wooden Counter lvl 3 polycount 133
Wooden Refrigerator lvl 8 polycount 588
Wooden Stove lvl 9 polycount 549
Requires WoodworkCustomFurnitureNToysMenus
Woodworking Custom Furniture 4
---Available to woodworker depending on skill level
---not a buy option
Requirement :
1. Requires WoodworkCustomFurnitureNToysMenus
Made with Game PC Version
Base Game Compatible
Conflicts: Should not conflict with any other mod
Polygon Counts: Same as Base Game furniture
- K9DB
-Sims 4 studio

Woodworking Custom Furniture 4 2017-01-22
Custom Furniture for Woodworking Table